November 12, 2019

Post #200

Yes you read that right. This is my 200th published post on this blog! Quite happy having achieved this feat and rebooting this blog. I must have written about the story of this blog earlier too, but let me write it again from what my memory serves.

So this goes all the way back to 2006, when I had just finished school. That's when I first read about blogs for the first time (by the way,blog is short for Web-log). I was sold about its prospects. But internet was in its infancy at that time and I would get a connection of my own 4 years later.

Never mind, with the rise of Orkut etc. I was getting a hang of Internet. So, I also created a blog of my own around 2007-08. It was on this Blogger platform only. I don't even remember the name of the blog now, but I distinctly remember it had a light pink theme! Anyways, I wrote something like "It's my first post and great things are gonna come soon". Well those great things never came because I never wrote anything else there. 

Meanwhile my school friends started their own blogs and writing posts and poems etc. I would diligently read them during my weekly cyber-cafe visits and give elaborate comments. Then came Twitter and Google Buzz etc. and I was very active there. So we can say my blogging journey kinda started through those comments on various social platforms.

Then came 2010 and I finally got an internet connection of my own (no more having to go to Cyber cafe for limited time. Hurray!). And I immediately started my own blog. It was a slow but steady start. My initial plan was to write once a week, and while I took double that time on an average, it was still a fair start. With encouragements from friends, I was just happy having a place of my own to write.

Design wise also this blog has gone with many permutations and combinations . I have spent literally hours tweaking this blog by moving the widgets around and fibling with the fonts. Now, I try to keep the blog to its bare minimum design, with only the 'Essentials'.  I think now the blog gets out of the way of the reader and lets anyone interested read without any distraction. If you don't agree with my assessment, do let me know. I may do something it, probably.

This blog has seen many ups and down since 2010. Some years I have been on a roll, some not so much. The blog all of a sudden came to a stand still since last 3 years and I just couldn't make myself break the shackles. But hopefully, I have done it now.  

Of course any writer would like dozens(hundreds/thousands/millions)  of readers lapping up whatever she writes. I am no exception. I crave interaction. But even if no one reads or comments, I am just happy and grateful for this opportunity to bare out my mind. That's why this blog is called 'An Open Source Mind' i.e. AnOSM Blog !

I don't know what the future holds for this blog, but let's hope I get serve you a lot of interesting posts .  Meanwhile, for nostalgia sake, read the one from where the journey began. If you ever read and appreciated even a single post of mine - Thank You.

PS : Don't forget to checkout my other blogs : the one for poetry and the one for short posts. Not updated them for a while but 'sabka time aayega'.