July 31, 2012

ज़िन्दगी - एक ट्रेन

तेरे बिना ये ज़िन्दगी, वो ट्रेन का डिब्बा है लगता,
जिस पर बिन सोचे-समझे मैं चढ़ तो गया,
पर अब आगे जाने का मन नहीं करता,
आखिर हमसफ़र के बिना हम सफ़र करके करेंगे भी क्या?

राह में कई मिले अब तक,
बहुत से बुरे तो कुछ भले भी,
जो कुछ ऐसे मिले भी,
जिन्हें दिल ने रोकने की कोशिश की,
मन किया ले चलें अपने साथ, 
ये ट्रेन ले जाए जहाँ कहीं भी,
पर देखिये किस्मत हमारी ऐसी,
उन्हें उनकी मंजिल पहले ही पता थी.

क्या पता अगले स्टेशन पर कहीं तू मिल जाए,
बस यही आस लिए हैं बैठे,
वर्ना यहाँ कुछ नहीं है रखा,
हम तो कब के कूद चुके होते.

कभी सोच सहम जाता हूँ,
आँखें तुझे खिड़की के बाहर ही ढूंढती रह जाएँ,
और तो पिछली सीट पर ही बैठा हो,
और ट्रेन अपने मुकाम तक पहुँच जाए,
जब तक मुझे इसका एहसास हो.

July 19, 2012

Ravi Ji: Conditions Apply

I have been noticing that the phrase "Ravi Ji" is being abused and misused all over India. I greatly object to this utter non-adherence to the rules. People don't realize that "Ravi Ji" is a copyrighted phrase (the copyright has been lost somewhere but it will be found soon). Hence only selected few people are allowed to use this phrase:
  •  People belonging to political and administrative circles: These are the ones who get the most  "Jis". It will really be heartwarming to hear a "Ravi Ji" from one of these!
  • (Native) People of Hyderabad: The phrase was coined in the city, after a lot of debate and struggle hence the native people there were granted exclusive rights to use the phrase by amending the constitution. It's a shame most of those residents don't know of their right.
  • Namrata R: The joint copyright holder of the phrase.
  • Friends older than 7 years (not the age of person stupid, the age of friendship): 7 being a random number that first popped in mind.
  • Fellow Gootles: I told you, being a gootle comes with its own perks!
  • People who have taken money from me: They better call me "Ravi Ji". More importantly they must give me back my money. I have begged for it enough number of times.
  • Family, and friends who are part of extended family: These people already know they can call me whatever the heck they want.
  • Underweight People: I want to become the leader of such guys. We people may be underdogs but we are never underachievers. Mind it!
  • If you belong to an upper caste and are fair in color: Heck yeah, I love casteism and racism!

Well if you don't belong to any of above mentioned categories but still want to use the phrase, you still have hope! Fill and submit the below mentioned form. If deemed fit, right to use the phrase would be granted for a limited period.

If you don't want to fill this (rather short) form, then you can also write to me on my personal email id requesting for the access.

Please do note that use of phrase without having a licence permission is a criminal offence and it may land you in the middle of many litigation. It's advisable to be mindful of this fact.

July 15, 2012

बस आज मेरा ये कहा मान लो

नहीं कुछ कहने की जरूरत नहीं,
नहीं कुछ करने की जरूरत नहीं,
एक घुटन सी महसूस होती है,
बस यों ही पास बैठे रहो.

नहीं मुझे चाँद नहीं चाहिए,
आसमाँ के सितारों की चाहत नहीं,
बहुत अकेला लग रहा है,
बस मेरा हाथ थामे रहो.

नहीं मेरा हँसने का मन नहीं,
आज मुस्कुराने का मन नहीं,
आज दिल है बस रोती रहूँ,
अपनी बाहों में छुपा लो.

नहीं कहीं घूमने नहीं जाना,
बाहरी नज़ारों से इश्क नहीं,
आज चाहत है बस सोती रहूँ,
अपने सीने में पनाह दो.

सच कहती हूँ,
फिर कभी कुछ नहीं माँगुंगी मोहसिन,
बस आज मेरा ये कहा मान लो.

July 12, 2012

लौट आओ , बस एक बार

सालों  बीत गए,
लेकिन आज भी,
कभी कभी दर्द उठता है,
कभी कभी चुभन होती है,
जब अचानक तुम्हारी याद आती है.

लोग कहते हैं,

समय बड़ा बलवान होता है,
सारे घाव भर देता है,
शायद सच भी है,
क्योंकि अब खून नहीं रिसता,
अब आँसू नहीं निकलते.

पर दर्द तो आज भी होता,

साँसों में तड़प तो आज भी होती है,
काश बाहर के घाव नहीं भरते,
काश आँखें नहीं सूखती,
शायद कोई ये तकलीफ देख पाता,
शायद कोई दर्द कम कर पाता.

तुम्हारे जाने का गम नहीं,

जाना तो आखिर सभी को है,
गिला बस इतना है तुमसे,
तुम चली गयीं, और मुझे इत्तेला भी ना किया,
या शायद... शायद बतलाया भी हो कभी,
शायद मैं बदनसीब ही समझ ना सका.

हँसता हूँ किस्मत पर अपनी कभी कभी,

इतने साल लगा दिए तुम्हें समझने में,
और जब तक समझा,
तुमने रुकना मुनासिब नहीं समझा,
तुम रहती थी तो जलन होती थी,
और  आज नहीं हो तो चुभन होती है.

तुम्हें जाना था, तुम चली गयीं,

तुम्हें रोकने का शायद हक भी मुझे ना था,
पर यादें तो तुम अपनी यही छोड़ गयीं,
कहो ये हक तुम्हें किसने दिया?
अब तुम ही बताओ, इन यादों का मैं करूँ,
ये यादें मुझे जीने नहीं देतीं.

धीरे धीरे ही सही, तुम बिन जीना सीख रहा हूँ,

घुट घुट ही सही, सांसे लेना सीख रहा हूँ,
जो खुशियाँ तुम्हें ना दे पाया,
जिस सुकून के लिए तुम तडपती रही,
वो अब अपनों को देना सीख रहा हूँ.

लौट आओ, बस एक बार,
अगर हो सके तो,
गलती मेरी क्या थी, मुझे बता दो.
अरे गलत तो तुम हो,
तुम कभी अकेली नहीं थी,
अकेला तो तुम मुझे कर गयीं.

July 11, 2012

तू ही बता...

  • मुहब्बत  
  • मुरव्वत
  • शरारत
  • नजाकत
  • इनायत
  • इबादत
  • इबारत
  • बगावत
  • आक़बत
  • अमानत
  • फुर्सत 
  • फुरक़त
  • बसारत
  • तहारत
  • शिकायत
  • हिकायत
  • निहायत 
  • नेमत 
  • निस्बत 
  • इशरत 
  • अतिफत
  • जन्नत 
  • आयत 
  • बरकत 

...तू ही बता... तुझे मैं आज क्या नाम दूँ ...

The rough meanings of above words as I understand:

Muhabbat (Love)
Murowwat (Gentility)
Shararat (Mischief)
Najakat (Softness)
Inayat (Grace)
Ibadat (Worship)
Ibarat (Writings at religious places)
Bagawat (Rebellion)
Aaqabat (Life after death)
Amaanat (Someone's belonging)
Fursat (Free time)
Furqat (Separation)
Basaarat (Vision)
Tahaarat (Purity)
Shikaayat (Complaint)
Hikaayat (A story)
Nihaayat (Extreme)
Nemat (Gift)
Nisbat (Connection)
Ishrat (Revelry)
Atifat (Kindness)
Jannat (Heaven)
Aayat (A couplet in Quran)
Barkat (Blessing)

July 08, 2012

When you came in thoughts... (An year ago)

You know I have never met you
I tell you, it really sucks
But then, I think it gives me a leverage
And it's not bad as such.
I can think of you,
the hell way I want to,
And there is nothing you can do about it,
until you come and stop me to do.

Untitled by williamterra. Taken under CC licence.
And it may seem like a joke,
but I am not joking,
it is true,
Whoever are you, I think of you,
does it really matter,
that I haven't, like ever, met thou?

Well it has happened with me a million times...

When I have been giving exams,
and was stuck in a difficult situation,
And then you came in between,
and became my little distraction.
You know it gets difficult to answer questions,
when you are demanding a separate attention.
With all the time that I keep loosing
It's funny it doesn't cause much me tension,
As, without anyone even noticing,
I virtually met you during an examination!

Sometimes I am reading. something. interesting,
and your thought passes my mind.
I start thinking what you would be reading,
and what thoughts would be in your mind.
And would you be stupid enough,
to think... well... about me.
Or be the smarter one
and keep studying carefree,
And let all the thinking, dreaming
chore, be done by me.

That day I was taking a walk,
and suddenly the thought crossed,
What you would be doing this evening,
Cooking food, feeding birds,
just having fun doing home stuffs?
Or may be talking to your girlfriends,
on that terrace of yours.
OK, I might be wrong totally,
who knows you may be lazier than The Lazy,
But I am sure that you would be breathing blissfully,
and that's what matters most to me.

Interestingly as I write these words,
You come again and take that cognitive space.
And well it may seem absurd,
that I don't even require a face.
I have so many thoughts of you,
that I can imagine you with eyes open.
And who would have thought,
that my thoughts about you,
would just be a pinch prettier than yourself!

And, no. Make no mistake.
I am not complaining.
It's just that you come in thoughts,
When I least expect,
I don't mind, but please knock,
When you come in fact...