August 05, 2012

When Friends Become a Problem

'A friend is someone with whom you don't have to pretend to be somebody else, you don't require their approval for something, because you know that they will accept you howsoever weird you are or whatsoever weird stuffs you do.'
~RavS, 2012

I like to talk about my friends almost as much as I like to talk about myself. The 1 line intro about myself on the blog and the number of blogs tagged with the keyword 'friends' shows that.

In recent times some interesting situations related to friends have developed which I would discuss here.  Hopefully some of you would read this, and we can together brainstorm and find some viable solutions to these 'problems'.

I am a reserved person, and I take good amount of time opening up with somebody. As a result, I have had only a few (but very close) friends. I am not in touch with most of my school mates and unfortunately it's the same with college mates as well. But still all in all, I am contact with a lot of great persons. Which is one of the root causes of my troubles! I will come to that in a minute...

We all have friends, right. Some of us have only a few, while others have way too many to count. But   does it make sense to our Facebook friends as our real friends? I bet half of them are acquaintances at best. While it's coo! to say I have 459 friends, it just doesn't work that way. Yes, it sounds sweet to call ALL our school mates, college mates, or work colleagues as our friends, but if I apply my above stated definition, the number of persons who would qualify, would be just a fraction of whom one calls as ‘friends’. 

I would say, a better term to use for them would be 'contacts' or 'network'. Which means many of them will come in handy when you require something and you can in turn help them out when they need you. A strict give and take relationship supported by some old memories spent with them, and a few conversations here and there thrown in between. That, by the way, isn’t such a bad thing according to me.

My personal problem with too many friends arises when I consider them all as equal. When I say I am a friend with someone, it's my moral responsibility to be in touch with them, to know about their whereabouts, and to inform them what’s going on in my life. Now, if I do that with about 50 people, the only work I would be doing all the time, would be to ‘be friends’ with them.

So, somewhere a distinction has to be made about who among your contact list qualify as acquaintances, and who are close friends and a part of an extended family. I am trying to find that distinction and balance.

The second problem that I am having nowadays is being forced to choose between work and friends. Now friends are an integral part of life, almost as important as family. But for me, work is equally important because it defines who you are. In last one year, if I have learned something about myself, it's that being competent enough to do something useful, being able to contribute to some cause is essential for my very existence.

You only have 24 hours in your day, and there is only so much that a human can achieve within that time frame. It’s so easy to be in contact with friends when we are in school/college/workplace together because we see each other on a daily basis. We laugh, we joke, we help each other all the time. But when we have to part with them and other priorities come up, it starts getting incredibly difficult to keep up with the same people. Your schedule is no longer in sync with theirs.

So, the crux of the matter is the following questions, that I have been battling with, in recent times:
  1. How do you cope up when you have too many friends?
  2. How do you draw the line between 'friend', 'good friend' and 'my bro/sis'?
  3. How do you balance the time that you need to devote to work and the time you need to devote to friends?

If have any answers to them, please do comment.

And yes, if it makes you feel any better, Happy Friendship Day.


  1. First of all, IMHO, you might be over-thinking. You don't really have to take it as an obligation. You don't have to make it work, it will work itself out. What will happen if you don't communicate to me, for say, 1 week? I will try to reach out to you.

    "Hey RavS! what happened? Dint hear from you since last weekend?"
    "Hey PK, I am having a bad constipation so I did not felt like talking to anybody"
    "Oh, that's alright bro happens with did you get it..did you eat too much bananas.."
    "hey PK you are awesome"
    "thanks RavS I know that"

    If you don't talk to XP for long he has a standard message everytime "kamine kabhi to call kar liya kar"

    From a different angle I just wanna say is to don't take all responsibility yourself, give some to your friends too.

    1. How do you cope up when you have too many friends?
    Ans. I don't have too many friends so I don't have to cope up with too many friends.

    2. How do you draw the line between 'friend', 'good friend' and 'my bro/sis'?
    A The line comes on its own.

    3. How do you balance the time that you need to devote to work and the time you need to devote to friends?
    A. All the time except what I have committed to work (9 and 1/2 hours) are for me, friends and family. I often steal some work time for me, friends and family and sometimes I have to give my own time to work. There is no definite boundary.

    Happy Friendship day :)

    1. Well said! Will take that into account. :)

  2. 1. How do you cope up when you have too many friends?
    Ans. Look, all your FB friends , 643 to be precise in my case :P have the same problem. They all know it and understand your place in their life. In fact , its just that you have started to blame yourself for being friends with them. You have raised some very valid points and i agree but just take it easy. No one z coming and asking for a share of ur life. Just set ur priorities ryt. All your friends will honestly abide by ur decision. Look, I am not saying i know how to handle all my friends but i see it as a mutual relationship. So, its their responsibility to figure out my role in their lives as well.

    2. How do you draw the line between 'friend', 'good friend' and 'my bro/sis'?
    Ans : Sis ?? Seriously :D , you've better vocab than that. Girl friend wouldn't have been that inappropriate. JK. Well, I don't understand why this whole exercise has to be so mechanical? The bond develops with time, thoughts converge and people gel together. At times it happens in seconds, sometimes it takes years. You get to know who are worthy of which title.
    Reminds me of a beautiful song, though its for lovebirds but suits in this context as well.:D
    "हमने देखी है इन आँखों में महकती खुसबू ,
    हाथ से छू के इसे रिश्तों का इलज़ाम न दो .
    सिर्फ एहसास है ये, रूह से महसूस करो.
    प्यार(दोस्ती)को प्यार(दोस्ती)ही रहने दो कोई नाम न दो.

    How do you balance the time that you need to devote to work and the time you need to devote to friends?
    Ans :Trying to figure that out myself too. I wish we could settle on a compromise formula specially with CAT and other competitive exams approaching.

  3. Hmm.. Point taken.

    BTW yes, some girls do become sis as well.

  4. I never believed in having a whole group of friends and then expand that group as and when possible. While i talk to a lot of people around, it really doesnt mean i consider them my friends or that they should take me as their friend.
    It might help having a lot of friends and might help to understand the working of current society and stupid job companies but you know how it is for me. Just have a few 'Good' friends and no need to bug them every now and then just to remind that you 'Exist'. If they are really 'Good' then you wont have to bother them or explain anything ever. As for Facebook, i really think the whole idea of FB is a big joke. Only people who are too bored of their lives have FB account! (might me my personal opinion but think about it ;) ) Friends or not doesnt matter if you are on FB. play a single online game on FB and you might end up having 500+ strangers lurking around your profile.
    Remember one thing. you can have as many friends as you like but "You cant please everyone"

    1. I totally agree with your point of view and my thinking also matches with yours to quite an extent.

      It's just that I have trouble drawing a line between a 'friend' and a 'may-be-friend'.
