I have talked about inertia before. How it's mind numbing and soul sucking. How the unfinished tasks just keep denting your confidence, and make you feel guilty until you are ready to bury yourself somewhere.
I consider myself a writer in my fantasy. But in reality I hardly write anything. Why? Because life silly. Life gets in the way, the family and work obligations and of course I need rest, right! But, then what? Then nothing. Nothing gets done and I continue to feel guilty. This vicious cycle goes on and on until I feel suffocated and then instead of finding a solution I try to get an escape route.
Escapism you know... The Youtube, the Netflix, the Whatsapp and all the usual stuff.
Writing should inherently be a simple task. All one needs is a pen and paper, or an empty page in a word processor. But No. Like everything one should make it so complicated in mind and in deed.The word must be carefully crafted, it should be formatted. It should be in long form. It should be labelled, tagged with a proper title and so on...
It's all friction. Or "Resistance" as one of my favorite author Steven Pressfield calls it.
So, today I thought - Screw all of it! So, here I am writing directly in an age old Blogger screen. No using favorite writer, or trying to version control it and so on.. Again friction. I am not waiting for the perfect time to write (friction). I am not going to wait for someone to proof-read it (friction). I am not going to give any explanation for not writing for this long and why no post has been published for last 2-3 years (friction again). Once I am done penning my thoughts, I am going to reread it once and hit Publish. Because anything more than that would be Friction.
If I have to call myself a Writer, then I must write and that's the only requirement. Why should my writing be great by any standard? Why should somebody must be there to give a damn about it? Why should it be necessarily entertaining, or informing or motivating? Sure, they are things to aspire for as a writer. But the first and foremost requirement must be to WRITE. And if good writing comes in the way, then screw that too, I don't want to be a good writer. If I have to choose between being a crappy writer and a non-writer, the choice is obvious to me .
As the day go by I see a few people in and around me pursuing their passion in their own little way. Day in and day out putting in effort and creating something. That makes me jealous. Because, as a child full of idealism and dreams, earning loads of money wasn't ever a the goal. The goal was to matter, the goal was to be different in my own little way. And the writing was supposed to be a big part of it. Well it isn't today and it's a shame.
Again, I don't want to make any grand promises here (as I have done in the past), but let me say that today I broke out of every form of friction to write this little piece here. I just hope i do it more often than not. And I hope if you read it, you also consider getting over your friction and do something you have been putting off for a while.
I consider myself a writer in my fantasy. But in reality I hardly write anything. Why? Because life silly. Life gets in the way, the family and work obligations and of course I need rest, right! But, then what? Then nothing. Nothing gets done and I continue to feel guilty. This vicious cycle goes on and on until I feel suffocated and then instead of finding a solution I try to get an escape route.
Escapism you know... The Youtube, the Netflix, the Whatsapp and all the usual stuff.
Writing should inherently be a simple task. All one needs is a pen and paper, or an empty page in a word processor. But No. Like everything one should make it so complicated in mind and in deed.The word must be carefully crafted, it should be formatted. It should be in long form. It should be labelled, tagged with a proper title and so on...
It's all friction. Or "Resistance" as one of my favorite author Steven Pressfield calls it.
So, today I thought - Screw all of it! So, here I am writing directly in an age old Blogger screen. No using favorite writer, or trying to version control it and so on.. Again friction. I am not waiting for the perfect time to write (friction). I am not going to wait for someone to proof-read it (friction). I am not going to give any explanation for not writing for this long and why no post has been published for last 2-3 years (friction again). Once I am done penning my thoughts, I am going to reread it once and hit Publish. Because anything more than that would be Friction.
If I have to call myself a Writer, then I must write and that's the only requirement. Why should my writing be great by any standard? Why should somebody must be there to give a damn about it? Why should it be necessarily entertaining, or informing or motivating? Sure, they are things to aspire for as a writer. But the first and foremost requirement must be to WRITE. And if good writing comes in the way, then screw that too, I don't want to be a good writer. If I have to choose between being a crappy writer and a non-writer, the choice is obvious to me .
As the day go by I see a few people in and around me pursuing their passion in their own little way. Day in and day out putting in effort and creating something. That makes me jealous. Because, as a child full of idealism and dreams, earning loads of money wasn't ever a the goal. The goal was to matter, the goal was to be different in my own little way. And the writing was supposed to be a big part of it. Well it isn't today and it's a shame.
Again, I don't want to make any grand promises here (as I have done in the past), but let me say that today I broke out of every form of friction to write this little piece here. I just hope i do it more often than not. And I hope if you read it, you also consider getting over your friction and do something you have been putting off for a while.